MBE is the multi state bar exam. It is one of a few tests states can use to determine the aptitude of a would-be attorney. MBE's are usually given during the months of February and July, with some states only administering the exam in July. The exam consists of 200 multiple choice questions and usually takes 6 hours, 3 hours in the first half, 3 hours in the second half, all administered in the same day. There are approximately 30 questions in each specific area of law in the exam. These areas range from constitutional law to real estate law. It takes approximately 3 months or longer to get test results from the bar exam.
MEE is the multistate essay examination. It is made up of 6 essay questions and the entire test approximately 3 hours. There are 10 exam questions covering topics such as conflict of laws, federal civil procedure and corporations.
MPT exams are multi state performance tests. It is a booklet test withinstructions on the back. Not all states administer the MPT exam. There are points of accomplishment to deduce from the MPT exam, those being that the applicant can communicate using written word, has analytical skills required to perfrom tasks, identify potential problems of any nature, and complete tasks in a timely manner.
Some states employ theuse of all the tests and soemstates only require one. It is best for applicants to consult with the testing board and inquire as to which tests will be administered.